Sports showreel 2020
2020 was a relatively good year for Mollersmedia. We have during the year 2020 recorded more commercials than ever before, breaking our records and being eternally grateful. 2020 was therefore also the year, where we for the first time worked with some of the biggest Danish sports athletes for instance; Joachim Andersen, Signe Bro, Louise Burgaard, Pernille Blume and many more. By the end of 2020 we of course, therefore, had to make a showreel showing a segment of everything we have done throughout the year of 2020.
- Client / Mollers
- Industry / Sport
- Market / Denmark
- Deliveries / Video
Sports showreel 2020
2020 was a relatively good year for Mollersmedia. We have during the year 2020 recorded more commercials than ever before, breaking our records and being eternally grateful. 2020 was therefore also the year, where we for the first time worked with some of the biggest Danish sports athletes for instance; Joachim Andersen, Signe Bro, Louise Burgaard, Pernille Blume and many more. By the end of 2020 we of course, therefore, had to make a showreel showing a segment of everything we have done throughout the year of 2020.
- Client / Mollers
- Industry / Sport
- Market / Denmark
- Deliveries / Video

Director: Mikkel Siveløkke Møller & Jonas Siveløkke Møller
DOP: Jonas Siveløkke Møller
Editor: Mikkel Siveløkke Møller
Still Photographer: Niki Wacherhausen
MUA: Mette Schou
Stylist: Mathilde Middelboe
Runner: Rasmus Steen & Frederik Baden Jørgensen
BTS Still: Niki Wacherhausen
Colorist: Mikkel Siveløkke Møller
Sound mixer: Rasmus Steen & Frederik Baden Jørgensen
Team Adidas: Camilla Middelboe, Kevin Pedersen & Mikkel Hammershøj